01 may 2024

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It may definitely be called 'lioness's milk', but don't drink it even by mistake!

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Even in common parlance, a strong person is said to have drank the milk of a lioness.

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Do you know that in reality the milk of a lioness is not strength but is like poison for humans.

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If a person drinks this milk, it is almost certain that he will fall ill and suffer from many diseases.

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The milk of a lioness is suitable only for her cubs and only they can digest the elements present in it.

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Lioness's milk is too hot for ordinary humans and it is not possible for them to digest it.

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The amount of fat in lioness's milk is negligible and elements like palmitic, monosaturated palmitic are found in it.

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These elements found in lioness milk can unnaturally increase the heat of the human body.

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Now you must have understood that lioness's milk is not actually a thing to drink, but it is definitely appropriate for the idiom.

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Can go for days without sleeping these animals 

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