20 may 2024

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What is the difference between cheetah and tiger, you will start banging your head after knowing this.

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In childhood, we all have heard many stories while sitting in the lap of our grandparents.

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There was also mention of wild animals in these stories.

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So do you know what is the difference between cheetah and tiger?

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Actually, both these animals look similar and are also quite powerful.

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The speed of cheetah is very fast. Whereas the tiger is very active and agile.

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The tiger is considered the largest member of the cat family. It is also called big cat.

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Cheetah's head is very small and their waist is also thin.

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Whereas tigers are tall, muscular and overweight, preferring to hunt alone.

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The tiger has long black stripes on its body and the leopard has black spotted stripes on its body.

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You will be stunned to know by what name the baby peacock is called

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