16 may 2024

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These creatures can survive even without a head, see list

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There are many such creatures in nature which are quite famous for their unique characteristics.

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Be it an animal or a human being, if someone's head is cut off then it is obvious that he will die.

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But do you know that there are such creatures in nature whose heads remain alive even after being cut off.

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Today we will tell you about some such creatures of nature which can remain alive even after being beheaded.

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Frogs are counted among the strangest creatures in the world; even if their head is cut off, they can remain alive for several hours.

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Cock is also such a creature that it can remain alive even after its head is cut off.

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About 78 years ago, the American media had revealed about a chicken named 'Miracle Mike', who lived without a head for 18 months.

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Snail Snail is also one such creature which can remain alive for many days even after its head is cut off. It uses its body and not its mouth to breathe.

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Cockroaches' body structure is such that even if their head is cut off, they can remain alive for many days.

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These creatures can survive even without a head, see list

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