About Us

Welcome to YesAnimal.com!

I’m Amin Tawar
Founder Of This Website

I’m a passionate animal lover and researcher, I’ve created this website so that people can learn about the size and characteristics of different animal species. My goal is to educate and inspire people to appreciate the diversity of our planet’s wildlife.

Through this website, I’ve tried to provide accurate and up-to-date information on various animals, from the tiniest insects to the largest mammals.

I believe in the importance of educating people about the role of each animal in the ecosystem and its impact on the environment.
I created this site by gathering information from various sources and presenting it in a fun and engaging manner. I want my readers to leave our site with satisfaction. I’ve tried my best to provide accurate information and avoid spreading misinformation.

Thank You For Reading Our Blog And I hope that you get what you’re looking for. If you have any questions or thoughts to share, You can Contact us by email.
I’ve attached my personal email below.

Email: messageus@www.yesanimal.com

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