Alligator In America

Alligators In Mexico: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Two species have never been confused for each other as much as alligators and crocodiles. Thankfully most of the time, they don’t coexist in the same place. Although there are exceptions, Mexico is one of the few countries falsely believed to be inhabiting alligators as well as crocodiles. Let us confirm once and for all […]

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Alligator In wisconsin 1

Alligators In Wisconsin: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Are There Alligators In Wisconsin? Wisconsin has remarkable landscapes and a plethora of animals, but it is not a state that one would associate with the existence of alligators. This is due to the state’s colder temperatures and geographical elements making it inappropriate for these cold-blooded reptiles. As they are cold-blooded reptiles they prefer staying

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Alligators In Tampa Bay: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Are There Alligators In Tampa Bay? The quick answer — yes, there are alligators in Tampa Bay. Alligators are found all over Florida, they are seen in all the 67 counties in the state, including Hillsborough County, where Tampa Bay is located.  Although you are mostly likely to not have any alligators roaming in downtown

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Alligators In New Orleans: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Are There Alligators In New Orleans? More cheesy movies set in New Orleans have shown people the belief that it’s normal happening for dogs to be swallowed by alligators when on morning walks, or that snapping alligators stalk the filmiest corners of school playgrounds. Thankfully, none of this is even vaguely real. Once upon a

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Alligators In Missouri: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Are There Alligators In Missouri? Currently, Missouri is too cold for alligators to thrive in the state, so you need not worry about alligators getting into your backyard. But in a few years, they may become common just like armadillos that have recently shifted from the Southern region to the Midwest regions of the U.S.

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Alligators In

Alligators In Kentucky: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Just last year an alligator was spotted by a fisherman in a pond in Kentucky. Although the staff of the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife were unable to confirm the report, the fisherman’s description was credible. But this is in fact rare, and we will tell you why. Are There Alligators in Kentucky? No,

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Alligators In Tennessee: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Are There Alligators In Tennessee? When you think about Tennessee, you typically don’t think of alligators, however, you maybe should start. The Tennessee Wildlife officials say that in recent decades, they have spotted more sightings of alligators in the Volunteer State.  Alligators in the state have been naturally expanding their habitat range into southwestern regions

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Alligators In South Carolina: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Are There Alligators In South Carolina? Yes, there are alligators in South Carolina and you are most likely to see one in the state. Wildlife officials in the state say if you are near any river, lake, or swamp in South Carolina, just believe that there are alligators in the area along with you.  Historically,

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Alligators In Orlando: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Are There Alligators In Orlando? Alligators are abundant in the central region of Florida, including Orlando. This not only includes the outskirts of the city that has the least human interactions but also right in the middle of the city! Virtually any freshwater body such as lakes, marshes, rivers, and swamps can have alligators.  How

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Alligators In Ohio: Everything You Need To Know About Them

Are There Alligators In Ohio? Based on the geography and environment, there should not be any alligators living in Ohio. If they are there, then they did not reach the state naturally. This is because the mild summers and cold winters of Ohio do not provide the suitable habitat necessities for these warmth-loving reptiles. Though

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