freddy dog

Top 10 big dog breeds 2024

Last Updated on March 10, 2024 by Amin Tawar

Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the world of colossal canines! While your dog may be big, these Top 10 big dog breeds take size to a whole new level. Originally bred to safeguard flocks from formidable predators like bears, these majestic breeds embody the term “gentle giants.”

Despite their imposing stature, their hearts are as large as their frames, craving affection and cuddles aplenty. Join us as we explore the top 10 largest dog breeds, meticulously ranked not only by their impressive size and weight but also by their captivating appearances. Get ready to embark on a journey of awe and wonderment as we unveil these magnificent giants!

Top 10 big dog breeds

1. Freddy

Top 10 big dog breeds

Meet Freddy, the legendary Great Dane whose towering presence earned him a coveted spot in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest dog from 2016 to 2021. Standing at an astonishing height of 2.30 meters when he “manned up,” Freddy resided with his owner in the county of Essex, just north of London. His colossal frame, measuring 103.5 cm in height, presented unique challenges, including the need for a custom sleeping arrangement. Unable to fit into a standard dog bed, Freddy’s owner ingeniously converted a double couch for humans into his cozy sleeping quarters. Despite his imposing size, nestled in his oversized bed, Freddy could still enjoy the snug comfort of being a lap dog at heart.

Freddy the Great Dane

Freddy the Great Dane

Attribute Measurement
Breed Great Dane
Height 103.5 cm
Guinness Record Tallest dog (2016-2021)
Maximum Height 2.30 meters
Residence Essex, north of London

2. Mastiff


The Mastiff, standing up to a towering height of 91 cm, hails from Great Britain, renowned for its massive physique and distinctive facial features, including a broad mouth and prominent forehead wrinkles. Securing the top spot in this list of formidable canines, the Mastiff impresses with its sheer size, weight, and commanding presence. Its muscular frame and imposing dark mask exude an aura of dignity and respect. Despite its origins as a guard dog, the Mastiff has transitioned into a beloved family companion, cherished for its gentle and amiable temperament.

Mastiff Breed

Mastiff Breed

Attribute Measurement
Breed Mastiff
Height Up to 91 cm
Origin Great Britain
Distinctive Features Wide mouth and forehead wrinkles
Temperament Calm and friendly

3. Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard

At first glance, Saint Bernards resemble oversized teddy bears, captivating with their loyal eyes and irresistibly cuddly appearance. Known for their gentle and affectionate nature, Saint Bernards thrive on cuddling with their owners and children. Additionally, this breed has earned a reputation as rescuers in times of crisis. One of the most renowned Saint Bernards, Barry, resided in Switzerland and, according to legend, saved an impressive 40 individuals from freezing to death in the Alps.

Saint Bernard Breed

Saint Bernard Breed

Attribute Measurement
Breed Saint Bernard
Variant Bernardin
Height Up to 90 cm
Distinctive Features Oversized teddy bear appearance, loyal eyes
Reputation Rescuer in times of need
Famous Saint Bernard Barry, who saved 40 people in the Alps

4. Great Dane

Great Dane

The Great Dane, as colossal as it is affectionate, is often dubbed the “big lap dog.” Its towering stature and majestic presence only add to its allure. Despite its imposing size, the Great Dane possesses a gentle, loving, and affectionate nature. It forms deep bonds with its owners swiftly and can quite literally overwhelm them with its affection due to its immense size.

Great Dane Breed

Great Dane Breed

Attribute Measurement
Breed Great Dane
Variant Great Dane 2
Height Up to 86 cm
Characteristics Gentle, loving, and affectionate
Popularity Dubbed the “big lap dog”

5. Akbash


The Akbash originates from Turkey and derives its name from the Turkish term for “white head,” reflecting its characteristic fluffy white coat. Possessing a muscular physique and noble posture, the Akbash is often employed as a guard dog due to its strong guarding instincts and remarkable independence. Despite its guarding capabilities, it exhibits a balanced and calm nature, displaying a natural equilibrium. However, it initially distrusts strangers, showcasing its discerning nature.

Akbash Breed

Akbash Breed

Attribute Measurement
Breed Akbash
Variant Akbash Shepherd
Height Up to 86 cm
Origin Turkey
Meaning of Name “White head” in Turkish
Characteristics Muscular, noble, fluffy white coat
Disposition Guarding instincts, independence, balanced nature

6. Borzoi


The Borzoi, characterized by its long, flowing coat, belongs to the greyhound family and boasts the highest running speeds among all dog breeds. Consequently, they require ample exercise and activity to thrive. Despite their need for movement, Borzois are easy to care for and sociable, making them suitable as family pets. Their distinctive physique, long muzzle, and elegant long coat render the Borzoi truly unique.

Borzoi Breed

Borzoi Breed

Attribute Measurement
Breed Borzoi
Variant Borzoi 1
Height Up to 85 cm
Characteristics Long, flowing coat; high running speeds
Temperament Sociable, easy to care for
Suitability Family dog

7. Leonberger


Resembling a lion with its majestic mane and dark mask, the Leonberger bears a striking resemblance to its namesake, the city coat of arms of Leonberg, its city of origin. Inheriting its friendly disposition from its ancestor, the St. Bernard, the Leonberger proves to be an ideal family companion. Similar to the St. Bernard, this breed requires ample exercise and delights in showering active owners with boundless affection.

Leonberger Breed

Leonberger Breed

Attribute Measurement
Breed Leonberger
Variant Leonberger
Height Up to 80 cm
Resemblance Lion-like mane and dark mask
Origin Leonberg
Disposition Friendly and ideal as a family dog
Exercise Needs Requires ample exercise

8. Chien De Montagne Des Pyrénées (Patou)

Chien De Montagne Des PyrÈnÈes

The ‘Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées,’ originating from French, translates to ‘mountain dog from the Pyrenees.’ Hence, it’s also known as the Pyrenean Mountain Dog in German. This breed embodies a gentle yet vigilant giant. Exceptionally loyal to its family, it displays unwavering devotion and readiness to protect them at any cost. However, when danger looms, the Chien can unleash its innate power upon the threat like an unstoppable force of nature.

Chien De Montagne Des Pyrénées Breed

Chien De Montagne Des Pyrénées Breed

Attribute Measurement
Breed Chien De Montagne Des Pyrénées
Height Up to 80 cm
Origin French Pyrenees
Alternate Name Pyrenean Mountain Dog
Characteristics Gentle yet vigilant, exceptionally loyal
Protective Instinct Ready to defend family against danger

9. Landseer


The Landseer breed boasts remarkable intelligence and alertness, yet these attributes are eclipsed only by their profound bond with their family. They exhibit unwavering devotion to their owners and maintain a healthy suspicion of strangers. Owing to their high intelligence, Landseers are frequently employed as service dogs or for rescue operations. With proper training, they can also serve as excellent family companions.

Landseer Breed

Landseer Breed

Attribute Measurement
Breed Landseer
Picture Landseer Picture
Height Up to 80 cm
Characteristics Intelligent and alert, devoted to family
Disposition Suspicious of strangers
Usage Commonly employed as service or rescue dogs
Suitability Can serve as excellent family pets with proper training

10. Irish Wolfhound

Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound stands as one of the largest dog breeds globally. Despite its name suggesting a kinship with wolves, its genetic makeup aligns no closer to wolves than other canine breeds. Historically, the Irish Wolfhound earned its name from its role in wolf hunting. Over time, it extended its prowess to bear hunting as well. As a result, these majestic hounds possess remarkable strength and endurance.

Irish Wolfhound Breed

Irish Wolfhound Breed

Attribute Measurement
Breed Irish Wolfhound
Height Up to 79 cm
Relation to Wolves Not genetically closer to wolves than other dogs
Historical Use Originally used for hunting wolves and later bears
Attributes Great strength and endurance


In conclusion, exploring various dog breeds reveals a fascinating world of diversity, heritage, and unique characteristics. From the majestic Great Dane to the intelligent Border Collie, each breed brings its own charm and purpose to the table. We’ve encountered breeds renowned for their loyalty, strength, intelligence, and agility, reflecting the close bond between humans and canines throughout history.

Beyond their physical attributes, these breeds serve diverse roles, from companionship and guardianship to service and rescue work. The stories behind each breed highlight centuries of selective breeding and the adaptation of dogs to various environments and human needs.

Whether it’s the gentle giant nature of the Saint Bernard or the unwavering loyalty of the Akbash, every breed embodies the rich tapestry of traits that have endeared dogs to humans for generations. As we celebrate the remarkable diversity and capabilities of these canine companions, we also acknowledge the responsibility to care for and appreciate them as cherished members of our families and communities.

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